Friday, October 10, 2008

Coming a Republican

This was the first week of my new job, at the theatre I will now be referring to as HRTC (if you want to know what it stands for, check the previous blog entry). Why am I abbreviating? Let me tell you about my first day...

When I arrived on Monday morning, I was greeted by the development director, K. After about 15 minutes of getting situated, we had the following conversation:

K: so I thought I should let you know that the HRTC has a marketing service, that every time we are mentioned online this service flags it for us and alerts our marketing director. So your mention of HRTC on your blog flagged it for us.

Me: it ok that I mentioned HRTC on my blog?

K: Oh, yes of course, it is fine. (long pause). We were just suprised that you're not an Obama supporter.

Me: (longer pause). I hope I didn't say anything that offended any one.

K: Oh no. we were just REALLY suprised.

Me: (Awkward laugh). yeah...I guess I'm kind of an outlier...a young person that works in the arts and is a republican. not a lot of us out there I guess.

K: yeah, not really.

I then proceeded to try and remember what I had written on here for over an hour...Luckily, I am not the type to write extremely hateful or over-the-line things on my blog. Otherwise, I may have really been in trouble. My concern is that the staff will not have the opportunity to get to know me for me...I hope that our difference in political beliefs does not stop the staff from getting to know the other interesting things about me. Time shall tell...and I guess if any of the HRTC staff is reading this, I hope we will get to know each other beyond our political affiliations. There is so much more to life, isn't there?

Other then that slightly awkward 10 minutes, the rest of my first week was great. I am sharing a desk with the part-time financial manager that is in the executive directors office. I thought it might be a little weird, but it's actually nice. He has his own mini fridge and microwave right there in the office, and they are remarkably clean, which makes it easier for me to bring my lunch. Plus it is quiet in there and I have instant access to the E.D. should I need it. Can't complain. On Tuesday I am going with K to meet some of the corporate clients...I am excited about this and am already stressing about what to wear. I would guess that my look-a-like Palin glasses are out. hahaha. Just kidding...I don't have those. yet.

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