Friday, May 7, 2010

On my mind

With the 29 week mark coming up on Saturday, I have to admit that I have been thinking about very little else then the baby. I keep thinking about decorating the nursery (which I haven't actually done yet, but hopefully soon), if I registered for the right things, what life will be like after he arrives...the list goes on and on. It probably doesn't help that baby Hurley is destined to be either a gymnist or a soccer player, based on the constant beating my stomach takes daily.

Of course, there are many other things happening in the Hurley household. For example, the pool project officially begian the beginning of last week. As of right now, the hole is dug and the plumbing, rebar and electric is in place. Kevin has gotten the plans in order and has bidded out all the different steps of the project, and after talking about this pool for quite some time, we are both very excited that it has started and will hopefully be finished in a couple weeks. Not to mention it was 98 degrees yesterday and I thought I was going to die...

The pool as it looks right now

Recently I took a trip to L.A. to visit Ellie and Noah. It was so nice to be able to spend time with one of my oldest friends. Not to mention, Ellie planned all kinds of fun stuff for us to do. We went walking on the beach, went to a farmer's market where they had some of the best donuts ever, got to visit Noah at his new recording studio and had some fun just hanging out and catching up on life. I was reminded how lucky I am to have such great people in my life, especially those I have known since I was a child. I hope that my children make quality friends like I have throughout my life.

A picture from my walk on the beach with Ellie.

This past Tuesday I had a checkup with the doctor and everything seems to be coming along very well. I was tested for gestational diabetes and tested negative, which was a huge relief. They tested my blood for a few other things that I can't even remember, but I don't have any of them so I guess I won't worry about it! He also measured my belly and said I am growing at the exact rate that I should be, which was also nice to hear. The funniest part of the appointment was when I was trying to figure out when the baby might be born. While I logically know that this cannot be predicted, my mom has been trying to figure out when her and dad should fly out so they don't miss the birth and is trying to plan it as close as possible. My doctor thought it was hilarious that I thought he might somehow be able to predict when my labor would start...not just a due date but the actual birth date. I guess this isn't something mom and I can write on the calendar, which is incredibly difficult for a couple of planners like us.

So, as I wrap this up, I wanted to post a couple cute pics I took of Oscar yesterday. I have noticed that once my friends have had kids, all pictures become about the babies. No pets, no husbands, not even pictures of themselves. So, I wanted to share some pictures of the two boys in my life right now since apparently I won't be doing this as much once baby Hurley comes along. Hopefully this weekend we are going to get the nursery painted and the furniture in place, so while it won't be finished, I will attempt to post some pics of the nursery as it is a work in progress.

Oscar is always so happy when Kevin gets home from work

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