No. We don't have the list yet. Let's just get that out of the way.

So, what else has been going on? Actually, quite a bit. Kevin has been in D.C. since Sunday, March 15th for a training with the Air Force. Since they put him up in a nice hotel, I decided to join him for a little vacation. After working a little extra for the past three weeks, I built up some time off and have been here since last Thursday. It has been really nice to be able to relax. Not worrying about work, getting the house ready for sale, the list...ok, well maybe I've still been thinking about the list, but thats normal, right?
While we've been here Kevin has been in training during the days but had this past weekend free. During his time off we took a tour of the Kennedy Center, which neither of us had ever done. This building is incredible. It has five theatres in one building and beautiful sculptures, artwork, marble and chandeliers throughout. What I didn't know is that JFK was working on this building when he was assasinated, and after he died, leaders from all over the world sent gifts in memory of JFK to the Kennedy Center. This has created not only a wonderful performing facility but also some wonderful history.

This is one of the lobbies with entrance to three of the five theatres. Each of the chandeliers is made of crystal and was donated from a different country (Sweden I think?). It really is a magnificient building.

For each of the theatres there is a box for the President. It is in the center of the theatre and has a lobby area and then seats in the theatre. Apparently when the President is not using the box, other employees at the White House try to get access to this special feature. Can you imagine going to the opera and the President is sitting on your left or right? I can't.

Possibly my favorite part of the tour was the Israel Room. This is a donor lobby on the second floor, but everything in it was donated by Israel. On the wall is inscribed Psalm 150 and on the ceiling is a mural with different scenes from the Bible where music was important.
I just thought that is was interesting that there wasan entire room devoted to Israel and that it focused on the presence of music in the Bible. I thought it was great. The picture of the mural is the part that showed David playing his harp. The entire mural

was really beautiful.

The final picture from the Kennedy Center tour is from the opera house. There were these beautiful chandeliers that looked like fireworks exploding. As I was standing in the
opera house I couldn't help think about Marci and hoping that maybe one day I would get to see her perform there. Here is a picture of the beautiful chandelier.
After the tour, Kevin and I met up with Mimi, Derek and Andrew for lunch. Mimi and Andrew went to Wright State with Kevin and are interning at Andrew's Air Force Base in D.C. Then on Sunday we went to the museum of American History. It was a beautiful day, so we spent some time just sitting on the National Mall watching people walk by and enjoying the sunshine.
I think the best part has been to just get away from real life for a little while. When you're on vacation you can't spend your evenings doing projects or your downtime cleaning the house. I think it has been really good for Kevin and I to get away and enjoy time just being together. Of course tomorrow is back to real life...oh well.
And no Doug, I did not protest while I was here in D.C. Just in case you were wondering....
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