One election result that I was pleased with was that of Mitch McConnell. He has served the state of Kentucky with dignity and grace for several years and has truly represented the conservative values that are strong in my homestate. I was worried that he would lose his seat, but thankfully, he won with no problems.
The unfortunate fallout of McCain's loss has been the lack of grace of those who worked for him. Stories began coming out about Sarah Palin before the election was even lost. Anonymous sources trying to save their political futures began telling reporters ridiculous stories about the VP nominee in hopes that the old gradeschool logic would win out..."if I can make someone else look bad, I will then look better." It is childish and a complete disgrace to the Republican party. Things Palin said while on the campaign trail were used against her...that she didn't know Africa was a continent...stuff like that. The truth it, candidates all make mistakes when speaking on the trail. Biden didn't know who was President during the Great Depression or that there weren't really televisions yet. Barack Obama said they had been to 47 states and were going on to 11 more. Does anyone really believe that Obama thinks there at 58 states? of course not.
I think the best thing that could happen is for the Republican party to stop looking back and begin to move forward from this point. If Palin is interested in becoming a serious contender for president in 2012, she needs to go back to Alaska, do her job there, and spend the next two years reading everything she can. If she does this, she may be able to add the knowledge necessary to the already charismatic personality she has and be a real leader in this party. But I don't think she is there yet.
But enough about politics. Last Saturday Kevin and I hosted a bonfire at the Hurley's house in Xenia. We played football, cooked hotdogs and made smores. The weather was absolutely perfect - not too cold but cold enough to enjoy the fire - and we had a nice turnout of people. I was especially excited that Marium came, because I hadn't seen her in so long. Below are some pictures from the bonfire and the football game.
The other interesting news of the week is that I am officially finished at the Playhouse. Nine weeks after giving my notice, I have finally finished my time there and am 100% at the Human Race. Yesterday was my last day there, and it was bittersweet for sure. During my time there I have grown to love many of the other employees and creating some really great friendships. As I was cleaning out my desk and thinking back on my time there, I began to wonder if I made the right decision. I think that is the hardest part -- making a decision and then trying to stick to it. I think time will tell.
What I believe I will miss most is Sydney, Ryan and Mandy. Sydney has been like a mentor to me since I was in school at CCM. Not only has she set forth a wonderful example to me professionally, but she has always been there for me on a personal level as well. Her and Russ are one of those couples that I respect and admire, and hope to be similar to some day. I will miss Mandy dropping by my office to talk about the latest episode of the office, tell me stories about what is happening during production, or just to laugh with and lighten my day.
And then there's Ryan. Though we've only worked together for a little more than a year, I have become deeply appreciative of our friendship. He is one of those people who I know I can depend on, but who also challenges me to look at things from a different prospective. While me might not agree on all issues, I always felt that I could learn something through our conversations, whether it be about politics, religion or a specific social issue. I will miss our lunches at Bruegger's and our conversations.
So, even though I have already worked six weeks at the Human Race, I feel like I am just now taking that next step. What will happen during my time there? Time will tell. I'll keep you posted on how it is going...
The boys getting ready to play football. Lesley and I played, but not that well...

1 comment:
Kristen, I enjoyed the photos, it looked like a good day/evening for probably the 237th bonfire held at our house over the years. As conservatives, we're certainly right to question what's going on right now. But, as you said your co-worker/friend Ryan does with you on a personal level, maybe Obama, and his cronies as John Sidney would say, will challenge our (conservative) way of thinking and help us all become better. We will most certainly not agree with his every action/decision, but maybe 4 (8) years from now we'll look back with a certain appreciation for what Barry (HOPEFULLY) has accomplished. His record to this point doesn't suggest high hopes for our conservative ideals, but at this point, his record doesn't mean a thing. Only what he does from now on matters, so we will have to wait (and hope) and see. He's our man come January 20th, let's make the best of it...
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