HRTC: I am about to begin my fourth week, and the time is absolutely flying by. So far I have been learning the database, fulfilling donor benefits and getting to know the board members. While none of this has been particularly riveting, I am enjoying my time there so far. I have been given the opportunity to write two letters, and they both were approved with no changes...NO CHANGES! What a difference that can make to my work and dedication!
I also got to attend my first opening of the season, which was the two-person show, Ears on a Beatle. The performance was very interesting and I really enjoyed the two actors that were involved. This show also gave me the opportunity to take Kevin to work and introduce him to some of my co-workers. He is so excited about my new job and the opportunities I have there, and he enjoyed being with me at the theatre.
Playhouse: This past week I finally set an end date of Nov. 13th. Sydney and Patty are beginning their second interviews with a few prospective candidates and hope to have a decision by the end of the week. While it has been six weeks since I gave my notice, the actual act of setting my end date this week sent me into another panic. When I originally decided to take the job at HRTC, I was nervous that I was making the wrong decision. However, by keeping my job at Playhouse while I start my new one, I kind of had it in the back of my mind that I could always decide to stay at Playhouse and not continue at HRTC...this has ceased to be an option. The good news is, I think that I have definitely made the right choice. I will miss Sydney, Ryan, Patty, Kathy and others at the Playhouse, but the experience I will get at HRTC will help me as I continue to grow as a fundraiser. Still, I think I will be sad when my time at the Playhouse is over.

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