As was made apparent to me by my brother-in-law this evening, I am a little L.D. When I set up this blog, it took me so long to come up with a name, that when I finally decided on one, I botched it. How, you might ask? Where I meant to write formerly, I wrote formally...
Now, how I have looked at this blog several times in the past three months and not noticed this, I may never know. And yes, I do know the difference and definitions of the two words in question. From this point forward, my blog is actually (as it was always meant to be).
So, for those of you who continue to be my friend, even though I am sometimes a little stupid, I applaud you.
For those of you that cannot handle this level of stupidity, well, nice knowing you I guess.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Turandot! Turandot!
Below are some pics from my recent Dayton Opera debut in Turandot. While I really enjoyed the music and some of the other chorus members, I was thrilled about the 17 rehearsals. Overall, a good experience, but possibly one I won't be rushing to do again any time soon :)
Stefanie and I getting ready. Pincurls totally rock!
Stefanie and I are, um, close. :)
Stefanie and Jenni putting on the hideous makeup we were required to wear...they were Ping, Pang and Pong's assistants, which is why they got cute black pajamas and I got Goodwill rags. Just wait. you will see the difference...
The servants and the "populi" or common person. I was lucky they would even hang out with me....oh, and the masks -- we had to wear those for Act I and most of Act II. Not great for seeing, but watching the conductor isn't important, right?
Some of the ladies and James (the ladies man of the opera chorus). As you can see by my makeup that this role required me to be even whiter than I normally am. First time this has EVER happened. oh...and this showcases the rags I was telling you about. Below is another group shot with chorus members.
Work and Politics
Sorry that is has been so long since I updated the has been a little crazy. I have been juggling my new job at HRTC, the job I am trying to leave at Playhouse, and a chorus role in Dayton Opera's opening production of Turandot...I have been BUSY. So, let me try to catch you up:
Other than work, I have been OBSESSED with politics. With the election only nine days away, I am constantly wondering who our next president will be, and what that will mean for the country. I have decided to stop looking at polls, because they all have such different results. While they all show Obama leading, some have him ahead by 14 points while others have him just 1-2 points ahead. What does this mean? I simply think that no one really knows what will happen. I'm just trying to imagine an Obama doesn't look good my friends. At least not to me.
HRTC: I am about to begin my fourth week, and the time is absolutely flying by. So far I have been learning the database, fulfilling donor benefits and getting to know the board members. While none of this has been particularly riveting, I am enjoying my time there so far. I have been given the opportunity to write two letters, and they both were approved with no changes...NO CHANGES! What a difference that can make to my work and dedication!
I also got to attend my first opening of the season, which was the two-person show, Ears on a Beatle. The performance was very interesting and I really enjoyed the two actors that were involved. This show also gave me the opportunity to take Kevin to work and introduce him to some of my co-workers. He is so excited about my new job and the opportunities I have there, and he enjoyed being with me at the theatre.
Playhouse: This past week I finally set an end date of Nov. 13th. Sydney and Patty are beginning their second interviews with a few prospective candidates and hope to have a decision by the end of the week. While it has been six weeks since I gave my notice, the actual act of setting my end date this week sent me into another panic. When I originally decided to take the job at HRTC, I was nervous that I was making the wrong decision. However, by keeping my job at Playhouse while I start my new one, I kind of had it in the back of my mind that I could always decide to stay at Playhouse and not continue at HRTC...this has ceased to be an option. The good news is, I think that I have definitely made the right choice. I will miss Sydney, Ryan, Patty, Kathy and others at the Playhouse, but the experience I will get at HRTC will help me as I continue to grow as a fundraiser. Still, I think I will be sad when my time at the Playhouse is over.

Friday, October 10, 2008
Coming a Republican

When I arrived on Monday morning, I was greeted by the development director, K. After about 15 minutes of getting situated, we had the following conversation:
K: so I thought I should let you know that the HRTC has a marketing service, that every time we are mentioned online this service flags it for us and alerts our marketing director. So your mention of HRTC on your blog flagged it for us.
Me: it ok that I mentioned HRTC on my blog?
K: Oh, yes of course, it is fine. (long pause). We were just suprised that you're not an Obama supporter.
Me: (longer pause). I hope I didn't say anything that offended any one.
K: Oh no. we were just REALLY suprised.
Me: (Awkward laugh). yeah...I guess I'm kind of an outlier...a young person that works in the arts and is a republican. not a lot of us out there I guess.
K: yeah, not really.

Other then that slightly awkward 10 minutes, the rest of my first week was great. I am sharing a desk with the part-time financial manager that is in the executive directors office. I thought it might be a little weird, but it's actually nice. He has his own mini fridge and microwave right there in the office, and they are remarkably clean, which makes it easier for me to bring my lunch. Plus it is quiet in there and I have instant access to the E.D. should I need it. Can't complain. On Tuesday I am going with K to meet some of the corporate clients...I am excited about this and am already stressing about what to wear. I would guess that my look-a-like Palin glasses are out. hahaha. Just kidding...I don't have those. yet.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Monday Monday

October is actually shaping up to be quite a busy month. I am in rehearsals right now for Dayton Opera's opening production of Turandot. I am singing with the chorus, which marks my first production in over four years. The music is finally starting to come along, however, the memorization is a whole other story. This Puccini opera has a large chorus role, and since I haven't memorized Italian in a long time, it is really some work. We have also begun staging rehearsals which typically consist of a lot of standing around. There are around 30 chorus members plus supers and the children's chorus, so it takes a long time to get anything staged. My shining moment will be at the beginning of act I when a guard throws me to the ground and hits me with his spear...."Look mom, I'm in an opera!" :) Turandot opens three weeks from Saturday, so I will keep you posted on how it's going.
October will also be busy because while I'm beginning my new job, I haven't exactly left my current one. I gave my notice at Playhouse but also offered to work there part-time until they are able to replace me. Because of the small size of the development department I didn't feel right leaving them down one man (or woman, as the case may be) in the middle of the season, but now I am regretting all of my commitments. Basically, I will go from working part-time with very little evening activities to working two part-time jobs and having 4-5 evening rehearsals a week.
So, to get ready for the busy month ahead, I have taken some vacation time for the remainder of the week. I am heading to Indy tomorrow for a short visit with Lauren. Friday evening and Saturday afternoon I have opera rehearsal and then will be heading to a baby shower for one of our Air Force friends. Sunday will be church and celebrating Mark's "vacation" time will be a little hectic, but a much needed break from the office.

Final thought. The time to register to vote is running out. If you're not sure if you're registered, there are many websites where you can check this out. If you've moved since the last time you voted or you've never registered, please do. This is an important election and every vote counts, so take care of business.
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