Here are some pictures that capture Luke during his first month. I apologize that most of these were taken with my iPhone, but it is just so convenient!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
Luke Daniel Hurley - The Birth Story
Luke was born on Friday, July 23 at 11:51 am. He was 7 lbs 11 ounces and 20.75 inches long.
The birth story:
The Tuesday before my due date (July 24) I had an appointment with Dr. Sawyer. At this appointment he determined that Luke still had not moved into the birth canal, and that he wouldn't be able to because I have a contracted pelvis. This means that my pelvis did not and would not spread during the pregnancy, making it impossible for Luke to pass through. So we determined that day that I would have to have a C-section, which will be the case for all future pregnancies as well. I was upset when I first found out, even though I was thankful that Luke and I were both healthy and that everything else was going according to plan. So we scheduled the c-section for Friday morning.
Thursday my mom and dad flew into Phoenix, which had been arranged months in advance. We had just been hoping that my parents would be there for the birth (blessed). Praying before we booked the tickets really worked. Thursday night I got very little sleep - I was so nervous about the surgery since I really didn't know what to expect.
Friday morning I woke up early and started checking my bag to make sure I had everything I needed. I took a shower, spent some time with my parents and Kevin and then at 8am we were off to the hospital. Kevin played music the whole way there and told me random stories trying to take my mind off of everything - I think he knew I was nervous. Once we got there they checked us in, we signed some papers and then they took us to the room where we would wait to be taken into the c-section. I had an IV put in (ow) and some blood drawn (ow again) and they had me get into a hospital gown. Right around then my parents showed up and we all just were sitting around and waiting. Dr. Sawyer was running a little behind, which actually worked out well because Mark was running late. He got there in enough time to see us and hang around the room a little while. To be completely honest, that morning is kind of a blur. I remember being nervous and I remember praying with my family, but the five hours I was awake before going into surgery are very fuzzy, and I wasn't even medicated!
Dr. Sawyer came in around 11:30 and said we were ready to go. So I put on my cap and stood up out of bed and walked, yes walked, into the surgery room. That was probably the scariest part. I got up on the table and they gave me the spinal and then it was time to go. Losing feeling in the lower half of your body is bizarre and a little freaky. They put up the curtain and then they let Kevin in. While I had given everyone strict instructions not to tell me anything that was going on, Kevin was looking over the curtain watching the whole thing. He even took pictures!
At 11:51, they pulled Luke Daniel out. When I heard his cry I instantly started crying. It was one of the most joyful moments of my life. He was perfect and it made me feel even closer to Kevin. Every time I look at Luke I fall more in love with my wonderful husband.
Here are some pictures from the day:
getting ready to head to the hospital
All dressed and ready to go
walking back to my surgery
Kevin waiting to be allowed in to be with me
Luke Daniel getting all cleaned up
Letting us all know he has arrived
In the nursery enjoying the heat lamps
The rest are all pictures taken within the first few hours of Luke's life.

heading home from the hospital
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