This year has truly flown by. Kevin has already been with the Air Force 5 months, I've been at HRTC 3 months, and we are only a few months from finding out where we will be living next year. In January we will get the list of all of the bases with available openings in Kevin's field. We will rank them 1 - however many there are and then we wait. Again. Hopefully by the end of March we will know what's what and can begin making plans.
While Dayton is a possibility, Kevin and I are having fun picturing the other places we might live next year. I have to admit that Arizona, Phoenix more specifically, is very tempting. Kevin's brother lives there and it would be great to finally live closer to him. He also has an aunt and uncle and some cousins there, all of whom we love to be around. I also have an in for a job there with the development director at the Opera in Arizona. It's not a sure thing, but I think Lisa would try to help me out as best she could, either at her organization or maybe somewhere else. It is a Southwest Airlines city, so both of our families could travel there easily as well as us visit them. It isn't far from San Diego and Vegas. The sunny weather and beautiful scenary would just be the icing on the cake.
Of course, there are other closer, more realistic choices as well. Boston is very tempting to me, or Charleston. Anywhere in Florida looks good to Kevin. And while there are a lot of exciting places we could end up, there are also some that would be lackluster...Texas...Oklahoma...there are of course places I do not want to live. But Kevin and I have decided that no matter where we get placed, it will be a new adventure. Something exciting. Somewhere we've never been. This makes the future feel very exciting.

A little over a month ago was the wonderful wedding of Emma Kuhl (one of my oldest and dearest friends) and her now-husband Shanon Pitts. The ceremony and reception were gorgeous. It was held at the Henry Clay, a remodeled building in downtown Louisville. Emma’s older brother Karl performed the ceremony. It was light, funny and he preached the gospel…it was really great. But the best part of the wedding was watching Emma. I have known Emma for many many years, and I guarantee I have never seen her that happy. Now, I know that sounds cliché, a happy bride – but it was more than that. The way she continuously giggled, threw her head back during her laughter and smiled more widely then I have ever seen...her happiness was infectious. I smiled and cried throughout the entire ceremony. Congratulations Emma and Shanon. I know you both will be so happy.
(photo by Eric Graf)The Christmas festivities are officially in full swing. This Saturday is Kevin's work party, Monday is my work's holiday luncheon...then it will be family Christmas parties, spending time with the Manleys, Christmas Eve service at Westminster and time with our families. I love this time of year...not for the gifts, but for the opportunity to enjoy those you love. Before we know it, it will be 2009. It is amazing how quickly the time passes us by.