On Tuesday night (our actual anniversary) we went to dinner at Grub Steak, a favorite in Dayton. We enjoyed a very nice, delicious dinner and just enjoyed sitting together and talking for a while. Then Kevin and I went to the mall so that I could pick out new sheets for my anniversary gift. While this may seem a bit racy, the two year anniversary is cotton, so there could have been racier choices....
We ended up buying the softest sheets we could find, that strangely had bamboo in them. Bamboo?! I'd never heard of such a thing. But they feel great, so we bought them. Kevin also got me some beautiful flowers and a few other small gifts. I ended up getting him two tickets to tonight's Bengals pre-season game versus the Saints. Even though the Bengals didn't score....at all...the tickets were 12 rows from the field on the 30-yard line, which was much closer then we'd ever been for a game - so it was still a lot of fun. Overall, it was a very nice anniversary week.
Here are some pics from the game:
At the game, happy from our peanuts and pretzel with cheese :)

We were SO close to the action. Too bad T.J. wasn't playing.

Kevin was REALLY into the game, and mesmerized by the big screens.

Of course, there were a couple of "interesting" people there. Exhibit A: Let's just say I'm glad that I didn't wear MY all yellow outfit.

Exhibit B: Every time the cameras were making crowd shots, this guy stood up and started dancing around with no shirt on. Three hours into the game, he began waving his shirt around his head and dancing more and more like the Ben-gals. Sadly, he never made it on the screen. If only they had put him on at the beginning of the game, maybe we wouldn't have had to witness this very sad display of attention-seeking.